How I Trained a Language Model Using Hugging Face on My MacBook Pro

How I Trained a Language Model Using Hugging Face on My MacBook Pro


In this blog post, I’ll walk you through my journey of training a language model using Hugging Face's transformers library and the datasets library. I'll cover the initial setup, data preparation, training process, and how to save and use the trained model.

Step 1: Setting Up the Environment

First, I set up my development environment using VSCode and a Python virtual environment to keep my dependencies isolated.

1.               Create a Virtual Environment :


     python3 -m venv myenv

2.               Activate the Virtual Environment :

1.               Mac/Linux :


     source myenv /bin/activate

3.               Install Necessary Libraries :


     pip install transformers datasets torch accelerate

Step 2: Preparing the Data

Next, I loaded and tokenized the WikiText-2 dataset using the Hugging Face datasets library.

1.               Load the Dataset :


     from datasets import load_dataset

     dataset = load_ dataset ( ' wikitext ', 'wikitext-2-raw-v1')

2.               Load the Tokenizer :


     from transformers import AutoTokenizer

     tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained ('gpt2')

3.               Add a Padding Token if Necessary :


     if tokenizer.pad_token is None:

     tokenizer.add_special_ tokens ( {' pad_token ': tokenizer.eos_token })

4.               Tokenize the Dataset :


     def tokenize_function (examples):

     inputs = tokenizer(examples['text'], truncation=True, padding=' max_length ', max_length =512)

     inputs["labels"] = inputs[" input_ids " ].copy () # Use input_ids as labels for language modeling

     return inputs


     tokenized_datasets = ( tokenize_function , batched=True, remove_columns =["text"])

Step 3: Training the Model

With the data prepared, I moved on to training the model using the Trainer class from the transformers library.

1.               Load the Model :


     from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM

     model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained ('gpt2')

     model.resize _token_embeddings ( len (tokenizer))

2.               Set Up Training Arguments :


     from transformers import TrainingArguments

     training_args = TrainingArguments (

     output_dir = './ results',

     eval_strategy ="epoch",

     per_device_train_batch_size =2,

     per_device_eval_batch_size =2,

     num_train_epochs =1,

     save_steps =10_000,

     save_total_limit =2,


3.               Initialize the Trainer :


     from transformers import Trainer

     trainer = Trainer(


     args = training_args ,

     train_dataset = tokenized_datasets ['train'],

     eval_dataset = tokenized_datasets ['validation'],


4.               Train the Model :


     trainer.train ()

Step 4: Saving the Model

After training for several hours, I saved the model and tokenizer to disk.

1.               Save the Model and Tokenizer :

     python _pretrained('/Users/bhafner/Learning/AI/LLM_with_hugging_face/model') _pretrained('/Users/bhafner/Learning/AI/LLM_with_hugging_face/tokenizer')

Step 5: Loading and Using the Model

Finally, I loaded the saved model and tokenizer to generate text and further evaluate the model.

1.               Load the Model and Tokenizer :


     from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM , AutoTokenizer

     model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained('/Users/bhafner/Learning/AI/LLM_with_hugging_face/model')

     tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('/Users/bhafner/Learning/AI/LLM_with_hugging_face/tokenizer')

2.               Generate Text :


     input_text = "Once upon a time"

     inputs = tokenizer( input_text , return_tensors ="pt")

     outputs = model.generate (inputs[" input_ids "], max_length =50)

     generated_text = tokenizer.decode (outputs[0], skip_special_tokens =True)

     print( "Generated Text:")

     print( generated_text )


By following these steps, I was able to successfully train a language model using Hugging Face's transformers library on my MacBook Pro with an M1 Pro chip. The process involved setting up the environment, preparing the data, training the model, saving it, and finally generating text. This journey was a great learning experience and demonstrated the power and flexibility of Hugging Face's tools for NLP tasks.

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